mardi 20 juillet 2010

Akane Takayama

La dernière installation de Akane Takayama? Demander aux gens de poser ses 700 chiens dans les parcs de Londres selon leurs envies. Why not!
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1 commentaire:

  1. I am the artist for this Dog sculptuer 2010 installation. I wonder if you were in London to see my exhibition on 19/20 June. The next one is in Clissold Park, north London, and the last one is in Holland Park
    on 8th Aug. As you might know each exhibiton I place about 200
    cardboard dogs in the parks, and at the end of the day I am giving then away free to audience. If you still have not had one, please come and get one for yourself. Then you can photograph your new pet and send the photo to me. Regards, Akane


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